1 min read

Sometimes... we just need to make time to breathe... Intentionally

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The short back story
1 min read

It helps to paint the background before moving to the foreground. Let me create a quick feel for the coming scenes.

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Finding my voice
1 min read

What's your unique way of saying, doing, being who YOU are? Can you find it? Can I? Let's see...

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The short version
1 min read

A process to more of what we want, so simple it seems easy, if only it was like this. And then... Perhaps it can be but we complicate it.

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About all this thinking
1 min read

Making a connection about thinking... out loud.

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1 min read

How much is your ONE worth?

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1 min read

Being thankful for our life and especially when well lived.

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Why I do this
1 min read

The wish and reason for starting the BMTS series and blogs... At least this was the beginning

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The LIFE you own
1 min read

Your life and mine are ours. Through everything.

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Forgetting to remember
1 min read

Let's forget and then remember

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Moment by moment
1 min read
1 min read

Anxious... worried... hmmm... sleep

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