More on the story
1 min read

Thoughts on maintaining health as we age.

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Embracing Solitude: Finding Self-Peace in Alone Time
2 min read

Discover the benefits of solitude and how to achieve self-peace in your alone time.

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Self care
1 min read

It is what it says

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Rushing... why?
1 min read

All these questions came up for me after a week of seemingly endless rush, rush, rush. I'm using it to think through rushing to slow down at times.

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1 min read

Sometimes... we just need to make time to breathe... Intentionally

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The short back story
1 min read

It helps to paint the background before moving to the foreground. Let me create a quick feel for the coming scenes.

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Finding my voice
1 min read

What's your unique way of saying, doing, being who YOU are? Can you find it? Can I? Let's see...

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About all this thinking
1 min read

Making a connection about thinking... out loud.

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1 min read

How much is your ONE worth?

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1 min read

Being thankful for our life and especially when well lived.

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Why I do this
1 min read

The wish and reason for starting the BMTS series and blogs... At least this was the beginning

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The LIFE you own
1 min read

Your life and mine are ours. Through everything.

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