Peace, Yes!
1 min read

The best luxury... PEACE.

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I’ll tell you when you are ready
1 min read

I trust some things unlock when we are truly ready to find them out.

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2 min read

Whether it’s by reason of physical condition or just life. Being distracted bites most, if not all of us often. This is me; raising my hand in understanding.

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Is this too much?
1 min read

A conversation like this is one I have been wanting to have with someone I know, but also when I need to have a hard conversation with myself. What do you think?

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1 min read

Sometimes things end and we lose time chasing them, when we should let them go and make room. What say you?

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5 Powerful words to say to ourselves
1 min read

This is a statement of defiance against whatever opposition we may come against.

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Can you answer?
1 min read

Just a quick one. I will leave you and I to work through it.

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Aware or Not: Here we come!
2 min read

How do we know when we are aware or not?Here are two things to look for.

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Feelings of a parent
1 min read

When parenting, a lot of times there are feelings of uncertainty and doubt, but we carry on. Our children survive and we find out later if we were wrong or we were right.

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Head vs Heart
1 min read

Sometimes they don't agree and we just want to get away from them both.

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Removing the extra weight
1 min read
What makes me... ME
1 min read

You are One of one. Never forget

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