Should I jump, or use a bridge?
1 min read

Action is what creates change. But how should we act? Let's explore a bit.

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Ok… I surrender
1 min read

A part of me let go after I read this. Take a look.

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2 min read

Whether it’s by reason of physical condition or just life. Being distracted bites most, if not all of us often. This is me; raising my hand in understanding.

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Can you answer?
1 min read

Just a quick one. I will leave you and I to work through it.

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Aware or Not: Here we come!
2 min read

How do we know when we are aware or not?Here are two things to look for.

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Head vs Heart
1 min read

Sometimes they don't agree and we just want to get away from them both.

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Removing the extra weight
1 min read
Things are good, but...
1 min read

Everything is going great and then 'what ifs' creep in.

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When quoting...
1 min read

WE use them all the time! But are we right or wrong when we do? Lets check

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A few things about DISCOMFORT
1 min read

Discomfort: Is it a hurdle or can it be something else? Something better perhaps?

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Our environment
1 min read

Want to change your life? or What if you want it to stay just the same, right where it is? Our environment may hold and important key to unlock these questions. Lets discuss.

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Pursuing good health
1 min read

Thoughts on pursuing good health

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